Time 19.October 2024


Viktor Alksnis25.09.2024

Russia’s position on nuclear tests has not changed; Moscow will not conduct them if Washington refrains from such steps. This was stated to journalists by Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergei Ryabkov. “No, nothing has changed,” said the high-ranking diplomat. — “As was determined and formulated by the President of the Russian Federation, […]

Klim Zhukov14.09.2024

On September 13, 1812, a military council was held in Fili. The main issue was being decided: to give another battle after Borodino near Moscow or to leave the city without a fight. The Russian units themselves were located to the west of Moscow. The council was attended by Generals Barclay de Tolly, Bennigsen, Dokhturov, […]

Olga Barinova03.09.2024

From August 23 to September 1, Moscow once again became the center of musical magic as the international vocal festival and competition “Moscow A Capella” filled the air with inspiration and harmony. This event brought together 154 groups from various corners of Russia and 13 countries around the world, which, like bright notes in a […]

Klim Zhukov02.07.2024

The State Duma finally got down to REALLY IMPORTANT THINGS. We discussed Satanism. I feel like everything will definitely get better now! Olga Timofeeva (head of the committee for the development of civil society) stated: “We, together with representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, are increasingly raising the issue of recognizing Satanism as an extremist […]


The Great Flood in Moscow took place in April 1908. In the old, ancient times, floods also regularly occurred in Moscow: once every 30-40 years, the waters of the Moskva River, Yauza, Neglinka and small rivers broke out of the banks and walked through the streets of the capital. The rise in water level from […]

Yuri Chekalin25.07.2023

One day at sunset in 2000, the expeditor Vyacheslav Prokhorenko found the remains of a soldier next to the German fortifications on the Sinyavinsky Heights in the Leningrad Region. Buttonholes of a junior lieutenant, binoculars, a pistol. And in the pocket of the decayed tunic there is a medallion with a note. They unwind a […]

Yuri Chekalin07.07.2023

The Assumption, Archangel and Annunciation Cathedrals, the Ivan the Great Bell Tower, the Grand Duke’s Palace, the walls and towers of the Kremlin — all these structures were erected in a little over thirty years, when Moscow and the whole country were actively built in the 15th century. As a result, the monumental architectural and […]

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