Time 17.February 2025

Vladimir Golstein


50th Vice President of the United States James David Vance is Trolling Europeans into Trance. On the surface of it, they just don’t know how to react to the speech that asks them to look at themselves, rather than repeating the usual mantra: Russia—Russia—Ukraine—Money, Money—Russia—Russia. But there is something deeper, obviously. Russophobia had always been […]


“Never in the history of the world was one people as completely dominated intellectually and morally, by another as the people of the United States were by the people of Russia in the four years from 1946-to 1949,” observed Archibald MacLeish, a well known poet and the top official at State Department. Well, recently we’ve […]


What a strange deja vu one experiences reading Tchaikovsky’s letters provoked by Russian confrontation with Ottoman Empire in defense of Bulgarians and Serbs, butchered by the Turks for their rebellion. For a while, western press, led by British, didn’t want to hear anything bad about Turks or anything good about their victims or the Russians […]


You want insane. Here you have insane. You’ve all heard of Pavlov’s dog. The dog that has demonstrated physiological reflexes of animal brain in response to the external stimuli. Great Russian scientist, the Nobel Prize Winner, Ivan Pavlov, had studied these brain reflexes. So there was his monument in Kiev, in front of a hospital. […]


In the late XIX century, an American named George Kennan (distant relative of the famous George Kennan of the containment doctrine), traveled through Siberia. The dude loved Russia and used every opportunity (work for telegraph company and journalism) to travel through Russia’s most exotic parts. He collected some of his observations into a two volume […]


I Felt it First in Russian Speaking Community in the US. The drastic increase in hatred: political hatred that quickly became personal. Since 2014, the community became split. And ‘split” does not even cover the extend of it. Broken up, with one part canceling another. How dare they support Russia? How dare they speak the […]


Republicans are politically conservative, and they are suspicious of ‘government.’ Consequently, they hated everything Soviet, that is, Socialist. Democrats, on the other hand, are blatant Russophobes, whose Russophobia was put on steroids ever since Brzezinski and his grouppies took over the foreign policy establishment. Smart as Brzezinski was supposed to be, he couldn’t control his […]

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