26.07.2024 Natalia Tanshina

“Boycott”, “This Sucks”, “This is a Stalinist Holiday”

“This is a holiday for the elite”, “absolutely no interest”, “the next games in Paris can only be held in a hundred years, when all those who remember these will die”, “a society that prefers watching sports games to working and treating the sick is a society that will be destroyed by barbarism”, “we are […]
2min 31
26.07.2024 Dmitri Drobnitsky

There Will Be No Impeachment

House of Representatives Votes Resolution Condemning Kamala Harris as Southern Border Leader At one time, Biden (probably still collectively rather than personally) appointed Vice President Kamala Harris responsible for developing urgent measures to normalize the situation on the southern border of the United States. She was supposed to coordinate the efforts of various departments in […]
2min 6286
25.07.2024 Dmitri Drobnitsky

Biden’s speech left a difficult impression

There have been many, many, existentially many lies in Washington over the past week. Biden, that satirically accurate avatar of the “free world,” has reinforced this sinister and disastrous trend. And his border is in better condition than under Trump, and inflation is decreasing, and crime is at a historically low level, and under him, […]
1min 63
25.07.2024 Natalia Tanshina

The Crisis of the West or the Third World War Has Already Begun

We have long been witnesses to fundamental shifts in the system of international relations and the formation of new systems of international relations. All previous systems were formed as a result of major international conflicts. For now we are following the same scenario. The West is actively preparing for a global war, increasing the arms […]
3min 60
24.07.2024 Dmitri Drobnitsky

Netanyahu Came to Washington to Convince… But Whom?

Benjamin Netanyahu will meet with Kamala Harris, but in private, perhaps he will be allowed to meet with Biden, but, apparently, the main meeting will be with Trump. The visit of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the United States to address the American Congress has been planned for a long time. Netanyahu has already […]
3min 64

Review & Opinion

25.07.2024 Dmitri Drobnitsky

Biden’s speech left a difficult impression

There have been many, many, existentially many lies in Washington over the past week. Biden, that satirically accurate avatar of the “free world,” has reinforced this sinister and disastrous trend. And his border is in better condition than under Trump, and inflation is decreasing, and crime is at a historically low level, and under him, […]
1min 63

22.07.2024 Lucy Dickerson

P — Pluralism, or “Balanced Journalism”

Or how to hide really important news under a contrived “objectivity”, which in fact is not objectivity at all, but an ordinary smoke screen… Today the President of the European Commission will be elected — Ursula von der Leyen is eager to stay for a second term, despite her fairly tarnished reputation… And the Western […]
3min 88

17.07.2024 Lucy Dickerson

“Hillbilly Elegy” as Political Ideology

It doesn’t matter what he said before… Trump, before his first election, also said a lot of things — about Putin, and about improving relations with Russia, and then he took it and replayed everything, and was the first to start supplying weapons to Ukraine, and began to destroy diplomatic relations, and the consulates under […]
2min 13236

16.07.2024 Sergey Stankevich

How Many Shooters Were Hunting Trump?

The National Center for Forensic Science at the University of Colorado at Denver, investigating the assassination attempt on Trump, conducted an audio examination, during which it was determined that the politician was shot with at least three types of weapons. CNN reported this on July 15, citing data from the director of the center, Catalin […]
1min 1948

15.07.2024 Sergey Stankevich

Hunting Season

Independent political leaders seem to have been discovered by some crazy globalists who do not want to let go of their purely imaginary “control over the planet.” Only in 2024, the head of the government of Slovakia, Robert Fico and US presidential candidate Donald Trump became victims of terror. WHO ELSE WILL POLITICAL TERRORISTS BE […]
1min 2129

13.07.2024 Vladimir Morozov

Russian Minister of Finance Ignores the President’s Goals and Decrees

I wonder if the leadership of the Ministry of Finance is not foreign agents, then who? Let’s look at the definition of “foreign agent”. This is a person who, being a resident of one country, acts in the interests of another… So what’s wrong, where is the Ministry of Justice? Finance Minister Siluanov, with tenacity […]
2min 793


Culture & Art

14.07.2024 Helene Pogosyan

The Worst Journey in the World

At nine o’clock in the morning, a lone man wanders through the Canadian wilderness, his companions — a dog, the sunless sky, the tremendous cold, and the strangeness and weirdness of it all. As temperatures plummet far below zero, his chances at survival are soon to follow. The man is doomed to face the primordial […]
3min 2848

18.06.2024 Helene Pogosyan

Like a Monkey Out of Water

Once upon a mountain within their dwellings of white mist and clouds, two groups of monkeys fight for a place in a hot spring. Our unlikely characters, a troop of Japanese macaques known locally as Nihonzaru, live in a world of secrets quite different to our own, yet plagued by familiar tensions. The snowstorm’s blows […]
2min 1379

09.08.2023 Olga Makarova

Naughty Children: Nuisance or Blessing

Once in a while, every parent, to one degree or another, faces the disobedience of their child. In France in the 60s, even a kid named Nicolas was popular — a character in children’s illustrated books, on which more than one generation of French grew up. He is curious and restless, mischievous but a dreamer, […]
2min 7374

15.07.2023 Olga Makarova

Romance at the Tip of the Pencil

Animated Short Film “THOUGHT OF YOU” is a delightful graphic novel with images that look like they’ve stepped out of the pages of an artist’s album and came to life. A great way to show the experience and dreams of each character is simply through a pencil drawing that comes to life without distracting details. […]
2min 7377

13.04.2023 Yuri Chekalin

Seppuku and Death in Japan

“Where does all this madness about hara-kiri, bushido come from…” /From one Russian radio broadcast./ “… We must win honestly, We must live in the bright light, They will compose songs about us, Heaven will be hot…” “Sport Heroes”    “…Who knows what awaits us?  Who knows what will happen?  And will be strong  And […]
19min 16246

Sincerity is Somewhere Inside Us

Adult life is a strange thing. It often feels different than it actually turns out. As a child, you look at life with wide eyes. We stretch our arms to everything: to a flower and a butterfly, to a puppy and a kitten, to a cloud in the sky. We have fun and we laugh. […]
3min 9985


“Boycott”, “This Sucks”, “This is a Stalinist Holiday”

“This is a holiday for the elite”, “absolutely no interest”, “the next games in Paris can only be held in a hundred years, when all those who remember these will die”, “a society that prefers watching sports games to working and treating the sick is a society that will be destroyed by barbarism”, “we are […]

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