Time 25.October 2024



Pavel Durov broke the prolonged silence after his arrest in France and clarified his position. Since he speaks emotionally and somewhat vaguely, many interpretations and speculations have appeared: like, someone has moved somewhere, is drifting, maneuvering, breaking down, bargaining, giving in, etc. But what is the reality? Let’s leave Durov’s personal affairs aside. Serious people […]


French President Emmanuel Macron continues to spin. Macron’s gamble with calling early parliamentary elections in June ended in failure: his centrist coalition lost dozens of seats in parliament, and no party received an absolute majority. The New Popular Front alliance of the left came in first place, but Macron denies the winners the right to […]


A ghost of a big sensation has loomed in France. The oldest and most popular satirical newspaper “Canard Enchenet” (“chained duck”) reported on the X network: Pavel Durov, during his detention at the Paris airport, allegedly told the gendarmes that “Emmanuel Macron was waiting for him for dinner…” What’s that? Invited— lured — put in […]


On June 30, France will host the first round of early parliamentary elections initiated by President Macron. According to a June 26 Bloomberg poll, Le Pen’s party will win the first round with a result of 35.8%. The New Popular Front will come in second with 28.6%, while Macron’s Renaissance party and its allies will […]


In France, preparations are in full swing for early parliamentary elections – two rounds will be held on June 30 and July 7. Judging by the polls, Macron is flying over Paris not even with plywood, but with a downed Mirage plane, which he promised Kyiv in vain. National survey data as of June 17: […]


An intrigue is unfolding in France with big consequences for future national elections. Immediately after the deafening failure of Macron’s Renaissance party in the European Parliament elections, splits, clashes and regroupings began throughout the political field of France. Left parties rushed to form a “popular front” against the offensive of the “terrible right” represented by […]

Tony Rocchi08.05.2024

Just how unique were the Russian Revolutions of 1905-1907 and 1917-1922? Both revolutions had their elements of uniqueness, but you can determine their uniqueness only by setting these revolutions in the entire history of European revolutions beginning with the revolution of 1768 in Geneva, Switzerland and finishing with the Russian Revolution of 1917-1922. This means […]

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