Time 21.October 2024


Iechika Ryoko05.05.2020

Those who look at the Parthenon, that incomparable symbol of the achievements of an ancient civilization, often do not see its wider setting. Behind the Acropolis, the bare dry mountains of Attica show their rocky bones against the blue Mediterranean sky, and the ruin of the finest temple built by the ancient Greeks is surrounded […]

Roger Kimball03.05.2020

Among other things, the case of Gen. Michael Flynn reminds us of the old adage that things are always worse than you think. Right from the beginning of the attempted coup some of us took to calling ‘the Russian Collusion Delusion’, it was clear that the hounding of President Trump and various aides and supporters […]

Yuri Chekalin02.05.2020

Shinto is undeniably a religion unique to the Japanese people. It is a natural religion born and nurtured in the Japanese islands, unlike Buddhism or Christianity, which are world religions that have come to Japan from foreign countries. Certainly we cannot deny the influences on Shinto from Buddhism, Confucianism, or Chinese culture. Their influences on […]


Probably, each of us at least once thought about thing, as about something living with our own feelings. People have always endowed the inanimate soul in ancient tales, in books, in films, and, of course, in cartoons. And for the Japanese it’s completely customary to believe that everything created by nature is a container of […]

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The magazine about everything? Nonsense, some would say.

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