Time 25.October 2024

Vladimir Morozov


It is not in Russia’s interests to devalue Stalin’s personality. The mythology of Stalin is the central battlefield of ideological platforms wrapped in a historical shell. Representatives of different ideologies argue about nothing more than about Stalin’s open and secret intentions. And if his open intentions are easy to verify from published speeches, works and […]


From the fine words spoken yesterday at the meeting with the president to the realities of life. One of the most painful issues for residents of border areas, especially those two hundred thousand Kursk and Belgorod residents who were resettled and whose houses are now being destroyed, are loans and mortgages. On August 12, a […]


The true essence of globalists and their inclusive capitalism is increasingly being revealed through the mouths of their high-ranking apologists. If previously only globalists of the first (visible) line allowed themselves to speak as they are: Schwab, Attali, Gates, Charles III (Prince Charles), now the “second line” has also begun to speak out openly. So […]

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