Time 05.October 2024
Hungary received the EU presidency for six months.

Tremble Brussels!

Budapest chose the motto of its presidency: “Let's make Europe great again!”
Victor Orban assumed the post of President of the Council of the EU.

Hungary received the EU presidency for six months. Orban will steer the agenda and coordinate activities in the face of acute disagreements with EU leaders on a number of international issues, including the conflict in Ukraine.

Budapest chose the motto of its presidency: “Let’s make Europe great again!”

Well, do it guys, you see how Germany and France are suffering in traps and dead ends

Official Budapest is dissident: it opposes increasing military aid to Ukraine, Ukraine’s entry into NATO, sending Western military personnel to Ukraine and transferring frozen assets of the Russian Federation to Ukraine.

The Brussels bureaucracy awaits Orban’s arrival with almost mystical horror.

Sergey Stankevich

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