Time 25.October 2024
Universal noise and scandal.

Political intrigue unfolds in France

Left parties rushed to form a “popular front” against the offensive of the “terrible right.”
An intrigue is unfolding in France with big consequences for future national elections.

Immediately after the deafening failure of Macron’s Renaissance party in the European Parliament elections, splits, clashes and regroupings began throughout the political field of France.

Left parties rushed to form a “popular front” against the offensive of the “terrible right” represented by the National Rally party (Marine Le Pen and her political children). But various right-wing parties… for the first time, restrained the pack reflex.

The bombshell was a public statement by Eric Ciotti, chairman of the Gaullist Republicans party. They say, we’ve had enough of macronism. “Republicans” should join forces with “Mother Le Pen’s children” to defeat Macron in the parliamentary elections in June-July. What have started here!

Universal noise and scandal. The Politburo of the Republicans decided to remove Eric Ciotti from the post of chairman and expel him from the party. But experienced Eric did not allow himself to be eaten, but went to court. The Paris Administrative Court found the exclusion unfounded and suspended it. Ciotti remained chairman and ordered security to prevent Politburo members from entering headquarters.

While opponents are preparing for a new attack, Ciotti will have time to register as a candidate for parliament in the early “Macron” elections. And he will lead a significant part of the party. I think that after the elections he will create a new party of true supporters of the great Charles De Gaulle.

Sergey Stankevich

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