Time 18.October 2024



Newsweek, citing the interrogation of FBI Director Christopher Wray in Congress, published an article with the headline “Donald Trump may not have been shot at all.” The fact is that the director of the Bureau said that the ballistic examination is ongoing, and at the moment it is impossible to say for sure whether Trump’s […]


CrowdStrike is a contractor who said that the Democrats’ server was hacked by the Russians in 2016. CrowdStrike Holdings Inc., which is blamed for the worldwide computer crash, is quite remarkable. A monopolist fed by the Democratic Party with a political agenda and dubious competence. CrowdStrike was founded in 2011, during the golden era of […]


What Happens Next to Donald Trump in US Courts — Timeline. The US Democratic Party, facing the threat of losing power in 2024, is using the  Department, the FBI and the courts on an unprecedented scale to politically crack down on Donald Trump. The possibility of Trump returning to the White House as president inspires […]

Yuri Chekalin10.01.2023

By 1908, the time was right for a new kind of agency to protect America. The United States was, well, united, with its borders stretching from coast to coast and only two landlocked states left to officially join the union. Inventions like the telephone, the telegraph, and the railroad had seemed to shrink its vast […]

Yuri Chekalin04.01.2023

Emilio Kosterlitzky was one of the most colorful characters to ever serve as a special agent. A cultured, Russian-born man of the world, he spent four decades in the Russian and Mexican militaries, rising to the rank of brigadier general in Mexico. To avoid the dangerous tribulations of the ongoing Mexican Revolution, he settled down […]


Fittingly, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was founded by a grandnephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, Attorney General Charles J. Bonaparte, during the Progressive Era. Bonaparte was a Harvard-educated crusader. As the FBI’s official history states, “Many progressives, including (Teddy) Roosevelt, believed that the federal government’s guiding hand was necessary to foster justice in an industrial […]

Roger Kimball03.05.2020

Among other things, the case of Gen. Michael Flynn reminds us of the old adage that things are always worse than you think. Right from the beginning of the attempted coup some of us took to calling ‘the Russian Collusion Delusion’, it was clear that the hounding of President Trump and various aides and supporters […]

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