Time 25.October 2024

Medvedev Called Not to Take NATO Soldiers Prisoners in Ukraine

Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev commented on Telegram on the frequent statements by the European leaders that they don’t intend to send their troops to Ukraine.

However, military specialists from NATO countries have been in Ukraine for a long time. They not only maintain numerous NATO equipment, but also often participate in combat operations or coordinate the actions of Ukrainian troops, where many units consist of mercenaries who recently served in the armed forces of the North Atlantic Alliance.

Therefore, Mr. Medvedev doubts the honesty of such statements by European politicians and called not to take NATO soldiers prisoner if they openly appear in the Special Military Operation zone in Ukraine. In this case, he proposed giving bonuses to Russian soldiers for every killed NATO soldier.

Of course, such a frightening statement was made by Mr. Medvedev, most of all, in order to warn European politicians about the high price that will have to be paid in the lives of citizens of their countries for trying to intervene in the conflict.

Mr. Medvedev said that the “peace formula” proposed by Ukrainian President Zelensky causes an irresistible feeling of disgust, which quickly turns into that of shame from the surrealism of what is happening. “After all, everyone understands perfectly well, including the out-of-touch Western liars, that even in much simpler situations during war, peace can be achieved either with the mutual will of the parties on the basis of a reasonable compromise, or through the surrender of one of the parties of the conflict,” he said and added, “The president of the so-called former Ukraine does not even have the will to negotiate. He attempts to “add fuel to the fire” and constantly lies.”

Mr. Medvedev explained that the “Zelenskyy’s peace formula” looks so artificial that the only way out is to construct his own Russian formula, which is quite realistic. Humane for everyone. For example, like this:

“1. Recognition by the former Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as “Ex-Ukraine”) of defeat in the military component of the conflict. Complete and unconditional surrender of “Ex-Ukraine” represented by the neo-Nazi clique in Kyiv. Demilitarization of “Ex-Ukraine” and the ban on the creation of paramilitary forces on its territories in the future.

2. Recognition of the Nazi character of the Kyiv political regime by the international community and the forced denazification of all government bodies under the UN control.

3. The UN statement of loss of “Ex-Ukraine” of international legal personality and the impossibility of any of its legal successors joining any military alliances without the consent of Russia.

4. Resignation of all constitutional authorities of “Ex-Ukraine” and the immediate holding of elections to the provisional parliament of the self-governing territory — “Ex-Ukraine”.

5. Adoption by the provisional parliament of laws for all required compensations to Russia, including payments to the relatives of the perished citizens of our country and to the ones who have been wounded. Establishing a procedure for compensation of property damage caused to constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

6. Official recognition by the interim parliament of “Ex-Ukraine”, that its entire territory is the territory of the Russian Federation. Adoption of an act of reunification of territories of “Ex-Ukraine” with Russia.

7. Self-dissolution of the provisional parliament. UN recognition of the act of reunification.”

“This could be the soft Russian formula for peace. This is a compromise, right? I think it is precisely on this basis that we can seek a benevolent consensus with the international community, including the Anglo-Saxon world, hold productive summits, counting on mutual understanding of our close friends — American and European partners.”

This is how Mr. Medvedev mockingly and yet harshly responded to the attempts of European leaders to dictate to Russia from the position of threats and sanctions. The Kremlin probably laughed for a long time at first, but still decided to answer.

P.S. All this is reminiscent of an open letter from Russian soldiers to US President Biden. In it they thank him for sending Abrams tanks. “As you probably know, we are paid bonuses for the destruction of these tanks. We kindly ask you to send more, since those that have already been sent are very few, there are not enough of them for everyone. We have to spend a lot of time and effort to find them,” said the SMO member. With a mockery, the Russian promised to transfer 10% of the bonus to Biden on the “Peace” card. “We believe that you are a true patriot and the best president of America. We sincerely hope for mutually beneficial cooperation,” the military man concluded his address.

Leon Pufferson

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