Day: 17 June 2024


An intrigue is unfolding in France with big consequences for future national elections. Immediately after the deafening failure of Macron’s Renaissance party in the European Parliament elections, splits, clashes and regroupings began throughout the political field of France. Left parties rushed to form a “popular front” against the offensive of the “terrible right” represented by […]


Time is running out for Olaf Scholz. Germany’s Social Democrats have their worst showing in federal elections in more than a century. If Scholz thought he could escape retribution after his party was relegated to a humiliating third place by the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD), he may be mistaken. Scholz says that there is […]

About us

The magazine about everything? Nonsense, some would say.

They would be right. This does not and can’t exist if everyone must have a certain agenda when writing.

We challenge it. Our authors are professional in their own field.

The magazine we would like to create will be provoking. It will make people think, absorb, discuss.

Whatever the tops you are interested in, you will find it here.

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