
In the Russo-Japanese War that began 120 years ago, Russia suffered defeat which was also caused by its inability to wage properly what we now call information wars. ​St. Petersburg-based contemporary weekly magazine “Chronicles of the War With Japan” published an article headlined “Japanese Propaganda In Europe”, noting that propaganda of Japanese and Japanophile ideas […]


Melor Sturua As a Mirror of Soviet Elite’s Evolution: Part I Soviet authorities upheld the decision to declare Nagorski persona non grata. Thus, Melor Georgievich managed to return to the United States only 8 years later, when our country hit Catastroika, as Alexander Zinoviev, Soviet philosopher, writer, and sociologist, branded Perestroika. In 1990, Sturua started […]


The first important appointment made by newly elected US President Donald Trump has put to shame those who called him a misogynist. Two days after his victory, Trump appointed Susan Summerell Wiles (born 1957) as the future new White House Chief of Staff, who will become the first woman in US history to occupy this […]


I Felt it First in Russian Speaking Community in the US. The drastic increase in hatred: political hatred that quickly became personal. Since 2014, the community became split. And ‘split” does not even cover the extend of it. Broken up, with one part canceling another. How dare they support Russia? How dare they speak the […]


Two-Faced Yakovlev: Part One In 1984, a year after the events of the previous article, Yakovlev released a book “From Truman to Reagan”, in which he “lashed” the master of the White House and his team with the expressions retired after the death of Stalin, the likes of “Clique of Reagan”. Another year passed, and, […]

Oleg Yasinsky07.11.2024

Some bastards lost the US presidential election. Others won it. The peoples of the world – their food – watched this process, like the heroes of “Jurassic Park” watch a fight between dinosaurs, where both sides are representatives of the fauna hostile to us. The times have come when decent people have no right to […]

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