Time 18.October 2024



It is commonly believed that Democrats are the main supporters of increasing the number of migrants from poor countries (including those that Trump figuratively called shit holes), while Republicans, to a man, oppose it. This is not entirely true — there are also ardent supporters of replacing Americans with migrants among Republicans. One such Republican […]

Tony Rocchi17.12.2023

The People’s Will was a political secret society and a revolutionary terrorist conspiracy. Revolutionary Mystification and Deceit Political parties were illegal in Russia until the Revolution of 1905-1907 so the narodovol’tsy had no other choice but to form a secret society. In many ways, the People’s Will, especially its Executive Committee, was the culmination of […]

Yuri Chekalin28.03.2022

Japanese Diet enacted Tuesday a record 107.60 trillion yen ($900 billion) budget for fiscal 2022 to finance measures against the coronavirus as well as rising social security and national defense costs. The House of Councillors passed the budget for the year starting on April 1, following its approval by the House of Representatives in late […]


Japan is a miraculous country. Centuries-old traditions, rich history, unique culture, amazing unity of the nation and prominent technological development — all this is mixed in the overall image of the country. Many people are trying to answer the question: what is the essence of the Japanese miracle? The base for effective interaction in any […]

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The magazine about everything? Nonsense, some would say.

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