Time 24.October 2024


Tony Rocchi29.06.2024

Because political terrorism in the Russian Empire remains the Great Unknown, we will go on having huge difficulties in understanding many tendencies in terrorism in today’s world. While it is true that terrorism happens under specific historical circumstances in different countries and periods during different periods, the fact remains that the history of political terrorism […]


The Shangri La Dialogue has opened, an annual intergovernmental forum on security held by the independent think tank International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS). The forum’s name is taken from a hotel in Singapore where meetings have been held since 2002.  Defense ministers, permanent heads of ministries and other military leaders of 28 Asia-Pacific countries […]

Tony Rocchi08.05.2024

Just how unique were the Russian Revolutions of 1905-1907 and 1917-1922? Both revolutions had their elements of uniqueness, but you can determine their uniqueness only by setting these revolutions in the entire history of European revolutions beginning with the revolution of 1768 in Geneva, Switzerland and finishing with the Russian Revolution of 1917-1922. This means […]

Yuri Chekalin07.04.2024

The case dates back to not-so-recent times, the 70s of the last century. In the Russian outback, in one of the small provincial town worked a city prosecutor with the talantes conman. The man is not yet old and, on the contrary, is still very promising in age. He did not shine with particular successes […]

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