Time 04.February 2025

Review & Opinion


Japan is a miraculous country. Centuries-old traditions, rich history, unique culture, amazing unity of the nation and prominent technological development — all this is mixed in the overall image of the country. Many people are trying to answer the question: what is the essence of the Japanese miracle? The base for effective interaction in any […]

Yuri Chekalin17.05.2020

There is one anime that you can be sure every single person in Japan knows, young and old alike, and that everyone has seen at least one episode. It’s inescapable but still largely unknown outside Japan. It is called Sazae-san. Although not many Western fans of anime and manga know about Sazae-san, but you should. The series […]

Yuri Chekalin12.05.2020

Noam Chomsky, born December 7, 1928, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S., American theoretical linguist whose work from the 1950s revolutionized the field of linguistics by treating language as a uniquely human, biologically based cognitive capacity. Through his contributions to linguistics and related fields, including cognitive psychology and the philosophies of mind and language, Chomsky helped to initiate […]


Tired of wishes, Empty of dreams  — Carl Sandburg The man who washes cars does not own one. The clerk who files cancelled checks at the bank has $2.02 in her own account. The woman who copy-edits medical textbooks has not been to a dentist in a decade. This is the forgotten America. At the […]


Many people would say that Dostoevsky’ short novel “Notes from Underground” marks the beginning of the modernist movement in literature. Other candidates: Diderot’s “Rameau’s Nephew,” written in the seventeen-sixties but not widely read until the eighteen-twenties, and, of course, Flaubert’s “Madame Bovary,” from 1856. Certainly, Nietzsche’s writings, Freud’s theory of neurosis, Kafka’s “Metamorphosis,” Bellow’s “Herzog,” […]

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