Time 26.October 2024


Andrey Vedyaev03.08.2024

Pavel Mikhailovich Fitin will forever go down in the history of foreign intelligence as the head of the first national intelligence service, created in our country in 1938-1939 through the efforts and genius of the People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria. By the mid-thirties, Soviet intelligence had been captured by international adventurers from […]

Tony Rocchi02.08.2024

The ambivalence of many conservatives and reactionaries in Russia about political terrorism possibly did more harm to the government than we can imagine. In the long run, conservative ambivalence contributed to the collapse of the autocracy in the February Revolution of 1917. It is undoubtable that most conservatives and reactionaries condemned left-wing terrorism, but many […]


Trump’s inner circle is quite happy with the project’s personnel work, but not its ideological developments. Paul Dance, director of the conservative Project 2025, launched by the Heritage Foundation in 2022 under the expected victory of Trump in 2024, announced his resignation. The remaining management of the project and Heritage leaders declare the successful continuation […]

Andrey Vedyaev28.07.2024

On the last day of the outgoing year 1900, in the village of Rzhaventsy in the Bessarabian province of the Russian Empire, the most charming and attractive intelligence officer of the 20th century, the “queen of recruitment” Elizaveta Yulievna Zarubina, née Esther Rosenzweig, was born. She penetrated Trotsky’s plans, was a liaison for SS Hauptsturmführer […]


House of Representatives Votes Resolution Condemning Kamala Harris as Southern Border Leader At one time, Biden (probably still collectively rather than personally) appointed Vice President Kamala Harris responsible for developing urgent measures to normalize the situation on the southern border of the United States. She was supposed to coordinate the efforts of various departments in […]

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