The bank is investigating the theft and consulting with police.

MUFG Bank Fires Worker for Stealing Over ¥1 Bil from Customers

The bank said it has already contacted the customers affected and will swiftly compensate them.
MUFG Bank has fired an employee for allegedly stealing assets worth between 1 billion and 2 billion yen from safe deposit boxes of some 60 customers in Tokyo, the Japanese megabank said.

The worker was dismissed on Nov 14 after admitting to stealing the assets at two branches from April 2020 to October this year. The bank is investigating the theft and consulting with police.

The bank said the thefts occurred at the Nerima and Tamagawa branches of Tokyo and the exact value of the items stolen is still being investigated.

The incident came to light on Oct 31 after the bank received an inquiry from a client, it said. The bank has confirmed there were no similar incidents at other branches after conducting an emergency assessment.

“The former employee was responsible for managing the safe deposit boxes and took advantage of this position to open customers’ safes without permission and steal their assets,” MUFG Bank said in a statement.

The bank failed to prevent the incident despite having strict rules governing safe deposit box management and a system under which periodic checks are conducted by a third party, the bank added.

The bank said it has already contacted the customers affected and will swiftly compensate them. It has not disclosed details of the former worker.

Yuri Chekalin

Yuri Chekalin is a Professor of Tokyo University, History Department, and a Political Analyst.

He also works as a commentator for Fitzroy Magazine.

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