Time 05.October 2024
“No, he’s a living corpse.”

How sick is Joe Biden the “leader of the free world”?

“No, the handshake is firm.”
Joe Biden flew out of Europe, leaving Kamala Harris to participate in the Swiss conference. What is clear: the shame was great.

Biden preferred a fundraiser in Los Angeles, organized by the main Democrat, Barack Obama, to the “summit.” Hollywood stars were also invited to the event…

And then a debate began between mainstream and opposition right-wing media: how bad was Biden at the party in Los Angeles?

How stuck he was on stage and whether Obama really saved the situation by dragging him backstage. The dispute is fierce, and this is the whole of today’s electoral policy of the Democratic Party, at least on the surface. “No, he’s a living corpse”, “No, the handshake is firm”… At the G7 summit, everyone already saw how bad the “leader of the free world” is. And a lot has been written about this too. But this is also superficial foam.

As if if a younger person were at the head of the United States, everything would be fine in the united West… No, “it won’t be like before.”

Dmitri Drobnitsky

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