The world is great! Yes, world is just huge! And diverse and rich. But you didn’t notice the main thing. The world divided. The world has long been divided.
Divided into oceans and continents, land and sky, and, of course, divided into countries. People have long divided this World, and it is no longer common, but more and more foreign World.
Yes, and every year there are more people in this World, and everyone needs a piece of it, but the number of masters of the World is only decreasing, but growing number of outcasts without any hope of owning at least a tiny piece of his World. Now we are confronting a world divided between rich and poor as never before in human history.
And now the owners decide what this World should be like and choose to whom to live, and to whom to die. They talk about the need to reduce humanity to one billion and pathetically call it the concept of the “Golden Billion.” A place in the “Golden Billion” is guaranteed only to the owners, while others still need to earn it. You will have to faithfully serve until the very grave or until the completely decommissioned.
And if you also did not notice this, then the concept has already become a program, and the program is already being implemented. And the world is changing. But do not rush to take turns in the hope of an extra spot with a ration. And sitting in a temporarily empty chair does not mean finding your place …
However, even the current masters of the World have not yet realized that they themselves no longer have a place in the future, because their values and privileges irretrievably go back in time and will necessarily drag them away. And it’s time for everyone to turn on the head and use it for its main purpose, and not just for immense consumption.
And by the way, the world is small! Yes, he’s just tiny!