The day when we will be offered a synthetic product instead of meat in supermarkets is not far off.

War on Meat

Everyone's ears are buzzing with it.
Look at what they’ve come up with — eating meat and cheese and washing it down with milk… No way… It’s time to take care of the planet…

They’ve already taken good care of rare birds like the puffin, especially in Scotland, where these little birds foolishly flew into the blades of wind turbines and died in dozens. They’ve switched to green energy, yeah… From our window at home, you can see a whole farm of these wind turbines far out to sea, they’re installed half a mile from the shore, there’s a hell of a lot of them and they don’t decorate the seascape. I’m not even talking about the harm they can cause to flying fauna! But what’s sad — the main thing here is to serve the green agenda. Now they’ve decided to take care of the citizens.

We eat too much meat, both red (beef, pork, lamb) and white (we eat a lot of chicken, they say). Not only does meat consumption increase the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes, but these cows and other livestock are fully responsible for 12-20 percent (according to various sources) of carbon emissions into the atmosphere, because three quarters of all cultivated land on the planet is either where they eat, these cows and rams, or where feed is grown for them. I don’t even want to remember how these cows farted in the atmosphere.

Everyone’s ears are buzzing with it. Therefore, the government, according to the Guardian editorial, should begin a serious campaign to promote a healthy lifestyle, the first point of which will be the rejection of natural meat and dairy products.

All to the grass, comrades! This is how we will defeat obesity, diabetes and global warming, hurray! And instead of natural meat, you can and should eat synthetic meat produced in laboratories (the fact that the long-term effect of consuming these polymers instead of meat has not been studied by anyone, and it is completely unknown what diseases those who eat this product on an industrial basis will suffer from, I do not even mention what their children, future mutants, will suffer from).

And the day when we will be offered a synthetic product instead of meat in supermarkets is not far off — this synthetic product is already used in pet food (I recommend everyone who has animals at home to carefully read the recipes of this food on imported cans and packages, so as not to feed their pets some kind of polyurethane). Soon on all the shelves of all Western supermarkets! Together let’s save the planet! Hurray again…

And right under this Guardian editorial, describing the delights of consuming a synthetic product instead of natural meat and milk, which, of course, will be available, but not everyone can afford — only those whose standard of living and income, unlike the overwhelming majority of the population, will remain high, the next news — McDonald’s in Great Britain and Ireland is going to create as many as 24,000 additional jobs through further expansion into these markets.

Let’s rejoice! Cheap grub for the masses, hurray for the third time! And nothing clicks anywhere. Normal healthy red meat in the form of steaks, mince, fillet, sur loins and other chops is harmful, it causes obesity and diabetes, and the things sold by McDonald’s, consisting of GMOs and who knows how processed third-rate meat, I’m not even talking about saturated fats and other hydrocarbons in fried potatoes, that’s Okay. The main thing is 24,000 jobs.

And then you wonder how idiots like Borrell, who calls for long-range missiles to be fired at the civilian population of Russia “to achieve peace”, get into their positions. And that’s how they get there. It’s natural selection. The worst are chosen from the bad. And there are no other, normal ones here. Only those like that are left.

Lucy Dickerson

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