
Yuri Chekalin13.04.2023

“Where does all this madness about hara-kiri, bushido come from…” /From one Russian radio broadcast./ “… We must win honestly, We must live in the bright light, They will compose songs about us, Heaven will be hot…” “Sport Heroes”    “…Who knows what awaits us?  Who knows what will happen?  And will be strong  And […]

Yuri Chekalin18.10.2022

Pyongyang’s nuclear capability is increasing, but international capacity or interest in dealing with them is limited. The details vary, but the picture is immediately recognizable: a salvo of missiles followed by chilling new rhetoric. This time, North Korean state media claimed that the recent flurry of tests simulated strikes against targets in South Korea and […]

Igor Koroteev28.06.2022

Japan’s participation in World War II is still not well understood. Perhaps because the pre-war policy of the Land of the Rising Sun was distinguished by complex turns and inconsistencies. By the 1930s, the Meiji Revolution had come to its end: an acute shortage of markets, a difficult economic situation due to the Great Depression. […]

About us

The magazine about everything? Nonsense, some would say.

They would be right. This does not and can’t exist if everyone must have a certain agenda when writing.

We challenge it. Our authors are professional in their own field.

The magazine we would like to create will be provoking. It will make people think, absorb, discuss.

Whatever the tops you are interested in, you will find it here.

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