February 23 is a big holiday in Russia. Day of Red Army, Day of Defender of Motherland, Man’s day.
Long lasting Soviet tradition of celebrating men who served, serve or will serve in the army.
Yes, like al men in uniform, many managed to distinguish themselves with feats of courage and strength. At the same time, many were used as lambs for the slaughter by their incompetent and corrupt leadership.
How many wars Russians have to start without being fully prepared, because the government prefers marching, parades, cynicism and corruption to the actual war-preparedness.
Napoleon and Hitler’s blitzkriegs that ended in or near Moscow, Crimean war of 1855, which ended with the country’s defeat, despite endless example of heroism coming from common Russian soldiers. The 1904 war with Japan, when Russian fleet was decimated by Japanese. WWI, which costs Russia millions with zero rewards.
And now we are approaching the third year of Ukrainian war. Yes, in all these cases, Russia was not fighting the war with Ottomans or Japanese or Ukrainians There are always Brits (and their sidekicks French) who arm, built navy, and otherwise do their best to degrade their strategic rival.
The war with Ukraine is no different. Since 2014, the west had been flooding Ukraine with arms. But how come the Russian government is never ready? Where is intelligence on the one side, and good mobile military on the other?
For how many times can Russia walk into the same trap? After its own rulers acknowledge that Russia has only two allies, army and Navy, yet, it is enough for the west to plaster a phony smile on the face of their leaders and Russia is ready to forget and forgive.
I suspect that the only person who saw through the western smiles, was Stalin. I guess, paranoia helps sometimes. Does not mean he was ready for the war, but at least he knew what to expect and how to deal with his so called “allies.”
It also needs to be stressed that Russian willingness to embrace the west is not a question of nobility or magnanimity, but rather of negligence and indifference. It is common Russian men who die in the fields of Crimea, and straits of Tsushima or steppes of Mariupol. What do Russian authorities care? With great Russian potential, of both resources and human power, Russia would eventually win. Even at the price of the regime change, by the way. And who cares about a million here and a million there.
In any case, I definitely honor the fallen. But I have difficulties extending my admiration to the Russian military and civilian leadership, tsarist, soviet, or post-soviets. Some things change and improve, but this chronic failure to be ready for another British intrigue, which cost Russia another million lives is positively discouraging.