Time 21.February 2025
I'm amazed at our leaders.

Russia’s position on nuclear tests

For more than thirty years, the United States and its allies have been constantly deceiving Kremlin.
Russia’s position on nuclear tests has not changed; Moscow will not conduct them if Washington refrains from such steps.

This was stated to journalists by Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergei Ryabkov. “No, nothing has changed,” said the high-ranking diplomat. — “As was determined and formulated by the President of the Russian Federation, we can conduct such tests, but we will not conduct them if the United States refrains from such steps in terms of conducting tests.”

I am amazed at our leaders. For more than thirty years, the United States and its allies have been constantly deceiving them. They complain about this to the whole world. But they still eagerly long to be deceived again. I wonder if there are other examples in world history of leaders who suffer from such masochism?

Viktor Alksnis

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