Yuri Bakhurin's book, The Front and Rear of the Great War, is a true World War I encyclopedia.

Review of Yuri Bahurin’s Book “The Front and Rear of the Great War”

Yuri Chekalin19.05.20202min17193
Yuri Bakhurin’s book, The Front and Rear of the Great War, is a true World War I encyclopedia.

In it, the reader will find for himself a lot of informative and fascinating. How did the soldiers eat (even with the scheme of the design of a pack kitchen), what did they drink, what did they wear. Who were the heroes of the war, how they buried the dead. There is a chapter on superstitions, rumors and propaganda.

Against the background of the most important events, which are also mentioned in the work, we learn about everyday life and front-line culture, we see the war through the eyes of its participants.

Using the numerous sources and works of other historians, Yuri Bakhurin builds into blocks a picture of the First World War that no one has ever known.

In many chapters, as under a microscope, we do not examine armies and regiments, but the fates of people drawn into a terrible fiery whirlwind.

The art of describing life in order to be interesting and exciting is far from given to many, but Yuri Bakhurin is one of such people. Unexpected turns of history, previously unknown or well-forgotten facts drag out and do not allow to put the book aside. It is read more like a detective story than a historical volume of impressive size. There are no lengths and a dragging out of the plot, on each page there is a discovery.

Separately, it must be said about the language in which the book was written. Simple, clear, it is easily perceived and absorbed. Once you read, you will not forget how corporal punishment was carried out. You will forever remember the stories of animals during the war: horses, pigeons, dogs, and bears, etc.

This book will be useful to everyone who wants to know the trench truth, to everyone who is interested in the daily life of soldiers and officers, and will also answer current questions about why they fled from the front, why they fraternized with the enemy, is there a trace of German money and about the role of the Bolsheviks.

Designed for both specialists and a wide range of readers.

Yuri Chekalin

Yuri Chekalin is a Professor of Tokyo University, History Department, and a Political Analyst.

He also works as a commentator for Fitzroy Magazine.

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