Time 25.October 2024


Andrey Vedyaev10.08.2024

The founder of domestic sabotage intelligence is Senior Major of State Security Yakov Serebryansky. A special place in the state security system is occupied by sabotage intelligence. Its purpose, unlike foreign policy intelligence, is not just to collect information about important strategic objects and military and political figures of the enemy, but to penetrate these […]


16 years ago, on August 8, 2008, Russia also found itself under attack. Georgia, backed by NATO and Israeli instructors, attacked Russia-friendly South Ossetia and killed Russian peacekeepers in Tskhinvali. Russia’s response was devastating and swift, the Georgian punitive forces were not spared and few were taken prisoner. Four days later, Russian tanks were 40 […]


The path from a centrist from a “red” district to an ultra-liberal governor. Tim Walz is 60 years old. He was born in Nebraska. Minnesota, where he is now governor, is his wife’s home state. Walz served in the National Guard, worked in manufacturing, studied, and then became a teacher himself… Before entering politics, there […]

Olga Barinova05.08.2024

In a world where every day feels like a sprint, where time slips away like sand through our fingers, and stresses tighten around us like invisible vise grips, we often forget what true harmony is. We run, we strive for our goals, but sometimes we lose ourselves amid the hustle and bustle. In this chaos, […]

Andrey Vedyaev03.08.2024

Pavel Mikhailovich Fitin will forever go down in the history of foreign intelligence as the head of the first national intelligence service, created in our country in 1938-1939 through the efforts and genius of the People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria. By the mid-thirties, Soviet intelligence had been captured by international adventurers from […]

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