Maybe it’s a good thing that the Maidan epic in Georgia — senseless and merciless — has dragged on for so long. Let the organizers use everything. Absolutely everything.
They will show themselves from all sides. They burned Christian symbols. They ruined the children’s holiday of lighting the main New Year’s tree in Tbilisi. Now let them try to ruin all the New Year’s holidays and even Christmas. This fateful plot must come to an end.
Zurabishvili’s performance, which increasingly resembles a chimera that flew from the roof of Notre Dame onto Rustaveli Avenue, must reach the heights of pathos-filled delirium.
Let the external sponsors of the Georgian Maidan exhaust all budgets and scenarios. In fact, they have only one scenario with a sacred victim left unused. They are probably looking for a victim with a suitable biography, delaying the casting.
The Georgians are showing the Ukrainians that they could have stopped 10 years ago in time — at the very beginning. That it is possible and necessary to build a European (in terms of quality of life) state with your own hands right away, without a prologue in the form of a civil and foreign war. Draw conclusions right away, come to normal agreements within the country as in a common family.
It was not at all necessary to go through this entire ten-year path of enmity, hatred and victims. There was no fatal inevitability in this. Only thoughtlessness, which, with external help, turned into self-destructive madness. Georgia is now creating a truly great historical precedent.
Maidan, having absorbed colossal black resources, beat its horns against the wall of parliament for two weeks, broke its horns and is now, out of breath, rushing around Tbilisi, trampling Christmas decorations. Let everyone take a good look and learn this lesson.
The epidemic of surrogate pseudo-revolutions imposed from outside must finally give up its devilish spirit. The plague that started in 2014 in Kyiv is to end in 2024 in Tbilisi. Then — silence. Recovery. Ascent.