It is impossible to control the boundless, but everything can be declared a zone of one’s interests.

“Lord” of the Universe

It is impossible to control something boundless, but everything can be declared a zone of one’s interests.

In the American film “Frankie Rulez!!!” by director San Charoenchai, the comic character Frankie does something similar. He teleports to various parts of the infinite Universe for the sole purpose of fixing flags everywhere with his own portrait and the inscription: “RULEZ” in order to establish his hegemony in such an absurd way.

Frankie himself is absolutely not interested in any of the worlds, nor their inhabitants. With the arrogance of a barbarian, he destroys everything that seems to him to be a hindrance to declare the surrounding space his own, and immediately sets off to conquer the next world.

He is so captured by the mission of establishing personal hegemony throughout the Universe that he does not even have time to enjoy the triumph of the moment, and already forever abandons every “conquered” world, for the sake of immediately “subordination” new alien territories.

Frankie is ready to immediately crush and destroy any native who inadvertently showed interest in him, just for his own pleasure in manifestation of such “power”, but is unable to balance his ambitions with the capabilities of other creatures. As a result, his short-lived struggle with a suddenly awakened and a deeply offended planet ends up in natural planetary disaster with the prospect of an endless journey into outer space, but not continuation his insolent expansion into beautiful alien worlds.

Of course, I would like to draw some relevant parallels with the modern politics of leaders of entire states, but is it worth the time when the authors of the film themselves have already told so wonderfully this tale.

Complete collection of author animations from the FAAF.

Pavel Chirkov

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