Time 05.October 2024
Biden has recently made two desperate attempts to win over voters.

Democrats Panic

Summer is heating up, and with it panic in the Biden campaign, unable to close the gap with Trump. 
USA Today: Summer is heating up, and with it panic in the Biden campaign, unable to close the gap with Trump.

In this case, we are talking about a column in the “Opinions” section on the website of the news agency USA Today. The author of the column is political commentator Ingrid Jacques. She points out that Biden has recently made two desperate attempts to win over voters: he again decided to cancel student debt (debt on educational loans) and with his decision he opened the national gasoline reserve to stop the rise in car fuel prices.

Biden also constantly claims that “in fact” all polls show that he is ahead of Trump… or is beginning to be ahead of Trump in ratings. Ingrid Jacques writes that it will definitely not be possible to buy voters with promises, including university graduates whose loans Biden promised to cancel.

Two years ago, the Supreme Court ruled this measure unconstitutional, so it may well be an empty promise. Jacques writes: “President Joe Biden loves to tell stories about how he’s running for re-election and how the polls are simply being skewed.”

Earlier this month, he told political donors: “Even though the press isn’t writing about it, the situation is clearly shaping up.” in our favor because the polls are tilting in our direction rather than in Trump’s.” Unfortunately for Biden, “the press” isn’t writing about it because it’s not true and it’s not what the polls show.

Former President Donald Trump is leading Biden in most polls, including in the swing states that will determine the outcome of this election. Despite Biden’s buoyant attitude about his bets, his actions betray what he really feels: panic.” The bottom line: “Biden had been pinning his hopes on voters refusing to vote for Trump again after the 2020 election disaster. But in reality, this election has become a referendum on the incumbent, and voters don’t like what they see. Offensive [to voters], that Biden thinks he can make up for four years of failed policies with bribes in an election year. Of course, Americans are smarter than he thinks.”

Dmitri Drobnitsky

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