Time 26.October 2024

Yuri Chekalin

Yuri Chekalin16.04.2024

On April 12, Russia celebrates Cosmonautics Day. In this regard, I remember a funny story told by the first man to walk in outer space, Alexei Leonov, about Yuri Gagarin: “On April 14, 1961, during a official reception in the Kremlin, Nikita Sergeevich, after the third or fourth toast, carefully asked Gagarin: “Yura, have you […]

Yuri Chekalin08.04.2024

Since ancient times, in Japanese mythology they have been portrayed as jokers, shapeshifters — they can transform into people: commoners, monks, samurai, etc. If in Chinese fairy tales raccoon dogs are evil and treacherous, then in Japanese they are more likely to be pranksters, lovers of a good life. Since these tanuki are everywhere looking […]

Yuri Chekalin07.04.2024

The case dates back to not-so-recent times, the 70s of the last century. In the Russian outback, in one of the small provincial town worked a city prosecutor with the talantes conman. The man is not yet old and, on the contrary, is still very promising in age. He did not shine with particular successes […]

Yuri Chekalin01.04.2024

“When you’re about to die, call your mother!” Toshiro Mifune’s family moved from Japan to Manchuria long before the start of Japanese colonization. The fact is that his parents were missionaries, deeply religious people, and his father, Tokuzo Mifune, was not only a businessman and owner of a photo studio, but also a preacher in […]

Yuri Chekalin24.12.2023

As the year comes to an end, we want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We hope you have enjoyed reading our articles, blog, and other creative content that we have generated for you. We appreciate your feedback, suggestions, and requests that have helped us improve our skills […]

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