Russophobia had always been a political and economic tool.

Vice Presient Vance is Trolling Europeans

Europeans just don't know how to react to the Vance's speech that asks them to look at themselves.
50th Vice President of the United States James David Vance is Trolling Europeans into Trance.

On the surface of it, they just don’t know how to react to the speech that asks them to look at themselves, rather than repeating the usual mantra: Russia—Russia—Ukraine—Money, Money—Russia—Russia.

But there is something deeper, obviously.

Russophobia had always been a political and economic tool. A way to re-distribute wealth while befogging the minds of the voters with rabid jingoism.

It has been practiced most successfully for two centuries by the Brits, for a century by Americans, so its practitioners have a very well successful algorithm to follow and implement. (Russians milked this system too, don’t get me wrong, or rather were forced to learn how to exploit it).

Let’s look at current situation from the perspective of European Establishment — this ugly monster forged into its current form by two world class hypocrites — Clinton and Tony Blair. Their bullet-proof formula of virtue signaling and rapaciousness has proven irresistible for Europeans.

1. Cheap labor from Ukraine and Poland — check.
2. Money from all sorts of Eastern European oligarchs reinvested into Western Europe — check.
3. Weapons and other black market goodies from Ukraine — check.
4. Scaring population into obedience — check.
5. Silencing political opposition as Kremlin stooges — check.
6. Silencing people’s movements, like gilets jaunes — check.
7. Redistributing American money into politicians’ pet projects and thus corrupting the country into parasitism — check.
8. Creation of endless work for usually disgruntled intellectuals in the computer content industry: fact checkers, disinformation specialists, propagandists, influencers. Never so much money had been paid for so many obnoxious lies as at this juncture of history.

In other words, system worked very well for the well connected, for the smart set who spoke good English, attended various international meetings, gave speeches at think tanks and so on. Never mind farmers, or workers whose factories closed, because of the expense gas, or even intellectuals, who wanted to go to Russia and learn from its rich culture.

Furthermore, the ruling class seemed to find a ubiquitous way of winning the elections. France, Germany, Romania. Again and again the parties that represent voters discontent are de-legitimatized for Russia or Nazi connection, which in the minds of European burgers had long been the same, thanks to various Cold War Intellectual traitors.

It is sad, that the only ray of hope for Europeans come from this obnoxious butcher of his own people, known as Zelensky, who is ready to undertake any form of sabotage and false flag operation to undermine the changes that Trump wants to introduce.

Vladimir Golstein

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