Time 18.October 2024
Parisian mayor Anne Hidalgo swims in Seine River before Olympics.

The Most Expensive Swim in the Seine

Madame Mayor swam not alone, but with two high-ranking officials.
The French are discussing the courageous act of the mayor of Paris to swim in the Seine.

By the way, Madame Mayor swam not alone, but with two high-ranking officials: one of the patrons of the Olympic Games organizing committee and the prefect of the Ile-de-France region.

The French are more concerned about the huge costs of cleaning the Seine for the Olympic competitions: it cost 1.4 billion euros. Despite the fact that those who dared to follow Hidalgo’s example did not like swimming in the Seine, the French began to wonder: can they swim too?

It is forbidden. Fine 15 euros. But the authorities promise: in 2025, three free swimming areas will be installed in Paris on the Seine. It is worth noting that swimming in the Seine was not particularly encouraged before.

Thus, the merchant provost of Paris, by order of June 9, 1716, tried to prohibit nude swimming for moral reasons. In the 19th century, the Seine was very navigable and naked swimming in the river in the Paris area was also prohibited (laws of 1837 and 1867. However, before the adoption of the 1867 law, swimming was allowed for medical reasons).

In 1923, the law introduced a general ban on bathing in Paris outside the baths and specially permitted bathing areas. And now, 102 years later, at the numerous requests of working Parisians, it will be possible to swim in the Seine!

Natalia Tanshina

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