US President Joe Biden said that he is not sure about a peaceful transfer of power if Donald Trump loses the presidential election.
As the American president said in an interview with CBS, Donald Trump intends to fight for power at any cost even if he loses. Let us add that the globalists who control Biden and the Democratic Party as a whole are vitally interested in this and will do everything they can to create a situation so that the Trumpists go down this path.
For example, the brazen and obvious falsification of the elections will not only not be hidden, but on the contrary, will be emphasized in every possible way by the controlled media, skillfully fueling and directing protests to the streets. Biden’s above-mentioned categorical statement is aimed at precisely this.
Will the United States be able to survive the elections? It seems that the United States today is in the position of the USSR in 1989. All the processes that are destructive for the state have already been launched. Part of the country’s leadership understands what is happening and how it will end, but there are no resources left to stop the destruction of the country.
The overwhelming majority of the population does not even think about such a prospect, because “it is impossible”. Financial globalists, who are vitally interested in the destruction of the United States, as well as other significant states (Israel is coming), the transfer of state functions to TNCs, the erasure of state borders and the transition to Schwab’s digital neo-feudalism, will not miss the opportunity to accelerate the process of the collapse of what is still the main state in the world.
Russia can and should take advantage of this chance (the fall of Olympus) in order to secure its position as the leader of Anti-Globalism. However, to do this, Russia needs to present the world with a new anti-globalist (and post-capitalist) concept, a new geopolitical project, under the banner of which the non-West will be ready to stand.
We are far behind schedule. Victory on the domestic front is not yet in sight. But external circumstances (geopolitical battles without rules have begun) can act as a strong catalyst, capable of seriously accelerating the internal transfer – the transfer of power from liberal elites to conservative (non-liberal) ones, which will speed up the course of History many times over.