
Viktor AlksnisViktor Alksnis21.11.2022

I didn’t watch the terrible footage of the execution of our soldiers who had surrendered. When I realized that they surrendered with weapons and combat equipment in their hands, and only one of them took the fight and died in this fight, and the rest were COOL, then from the point of view of the […]

Igor KoroteevIgor Koroteev31.05.2022

It is pointless to look for a way out in a hopeless situation – it is not there. However, history knows many examples when, in force majeure circumstances, a strategist changed the circumstances themselves and already in them, instead of avoiding losses, received new great opportunities. 60 years of the XI century AD the Song […]

Yuri ChekalinYuri Chekalin07.05.2020

Today we’re talking with a historian Yuri Bahurin, the author of “Front and Rear of the Great War”. 1) Why did you decide to deal with the First World War? Having entered the history department, I really didn’t immediately understand for myself and decided what kind of historical epoch most attracted to me: here you […]

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