
Over 70 years ago, in June 1954, the United States overthrew the first democratically elected president in Guatemala’s history, Jacobo Arbenz, and Washington’s protégé, Colonel Castillo Armas, seized power in Central America’s most populated country. Armas established a military dictatorship, which sparked a civil war that lasted for 36 years and caused genocide of the […]


“Never in the history of the world was one people as completely dominated intellectually and morally, by another as the people of the United States were by the people of Russia in the four years from 1946-to 1949,” observed Archibald MacLeish, a well known poet and the top official at State Department. Well, recently we’ve […]


The unprecedented terrorist attack carried out by Israeli intelligence services in Lebanon, where hundreds of people suffered from the simultaneous detonation of booby-trapped gadgets, gave reason to recall the memoirs of former Mossad employee Victor Ostrovsky, “By Way of Deception”, published overseas in 1990. Becoming the scapegoat after the failed Mossad operation, the great-grandson of […]

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