Time 02.October 2024
It seems to me that many readers of my articles underestimate the danger of depriving Russia of its place as a permanent member of the UN Security Council.

Russia’s Place in the UN Security Council

Incidentally, the UN Security Council is the only one authorized to decide on issues of war and peace.
UN Security Council
Russia in UN Security Council
It seems to me that many readers of my articles underestimate the danger of depriving Russia of its place as a permanent member of the UN Security Council.

Incidentally, the UN Security Council is the only one authorized to decide on issues of war and peace. Currently, the Russian Federation, having the right of veto, as a permanent member of the Security Council has the right to decide these issues on its own.

Depriving Russia of this right can resolve any military conflict under the UN flag, including against the Russian Federation. As was demonstrated in 1950, when the Korean War was fought under the UN flag by decision of the UN Security Council.

The Soviet representative was absent from the UN Security Council at that time, since the USSR boycotted the UN Security Council meetings due to the fact that at that time the place of the permanent representative was occupied by Taiwan, and not the PRC.

It is impossible to deprive Russia of the powers of a permanent member of the UN Security Council according to the UN Charter by amending it. Therefore, Russia’s opponents are taking a different path – the very fact of the presence of the Russian Federation in the Security Council, and not the Soviet Union, is being questioned.

Since the UN Charter does not say a word about the Russian Federation, but only about the USSR. And amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation on its succession to the USSR were introduced only in 2020. And before that, the succession of the Russian Federation was not recorded in any documents.

And now the enemies of the Russian Federation will pedal this circumstance in order to deprive the Russian Federation of permanent membership in the UN Security Council, and thus deprive the Russian Federation of the right to decide issues of war and peace. That is, to endow the Russian Federation with the same rights as a certain Republic of Tambu-Lambu.

Viktor Alksnis

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