Gorbachev has died. I will not express grief over this. The only thing I regret so much is that he and his accomplices in the destruction of a great country were not brought to justice.
In the period 1989 – 1991. I, being a People’s Deputy of the USSR and one of the leaders of the largest deputy group of the Congress of People’s Deputies of the USSR, the Soyuz group, often contacted him and was one of his most irreconcilable critics and opponents.
In Russia, throughout the centuries, the fate of the country was largely determined by the role of its leader. Whether it’s the king or the Secretary General of the CPSU. And just as Nicholas II ruined the Russian Empire, so Gorbachev ruined the Soviet Union.
Gorbachev is a typical example of the degeneration of the Soviet elite, which by the 80s had completely lost its fighting qualities and was unable to defend the interests of the country. In my opinion, Gorbachev was and remains a Stavropol combine operator. But by definition, he could not be the General Secretary and President of the USSR. He had neither the intellect, nor the willpower, nor the ability to objectively assess the situation for this. Maybe he was a good person in the family, but this is not a profession.
Gorbachev is dead, but Gorbachevism is immortal.
And this is clearly seen in the example of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine. In the same way, Gorbachev pursued a policy of sitting on two chairs, simultaneously trying to fight and negotiate with the enemy. In the same way, Gorbachev avoided decisive actions to save the country, acting half-heartedly and forbidding direct actions against the leaders of nationalists and separatists. In the same way, Gorbachev constantly made gestures of goodwill to the enemies, surrendering our positions. And many many others. And the result of these actions was tragic – the death of a great country.
Seeing direct analogies of then and present events, I again feel the approach of the coming catastrophe. Then the Soviet Union perished, now the Russian Federation is under threat. And again, as thirty years ago, I am compelled to warn of an approaching catastrophe.
If we don’t stop the “strange war”, if we don’t stop fighting half-heartedly, and if we don’t renounce Gorbachev’s rule forever, then a catastrophe is inevitable.