“Never in the history of the world was one people as completely dominated intellectually and morally, by another as the people of the United States were by the people of Russia in the four years from 1946-to 1949,” observed Archibald MacLeish, a well known poet and the top official at State Department.
Well, recently we’ve experience the second round of this obsession. Trump’s first presidency, during which time, Russia was everywhere. Interfering in American democracy, threatening Europe, threatening NATO, dominating social media, flooding the squeaky clean airways with their fake news. You name it.
Another similarity: 2/3 of CIA covert operations dealt with media and propaganda projects during the height of Cold War. Trade unions were infiltrated, major newspapers, publishers, museums, art exhibits, etc. We are learning that the same thing has been done recently, through all sorts of bogus foundations, including of course, the infamous USaid, which more or less took over Ukraine by installing its unsavory combination of Euro-trash and Nazi whitewashers in all positions of authority in Kiev.
These bogus foundations did similar mischief in Europe, from Sweden and Finland and all the way to Portugal. The original cold war also needed to create “new ideals” for the doubting people in US and Europe. Don’t buy into communism! Don’t buy into their atheism. Don’t you know that what they do is the form of totalitarianism. Don’t pay attention to others, cherish yourself and your personal obsessions.
A Mennonite Eisenhower, became a Presbeterian in 1953, and began to sponsor prayers at cabinet meetings. Absolutely similar approach was practiced recently.
Forget about Russian conservatism and their newly found religiosity. Go for wokism. Share the new set of values. Don’t be like these faceless backward Russians cherishing their homophobic sexist God.
And the icing on the cake. The opinion of Senator William Fulbright, who finally decided to dissent from this Cold war madness. Would someone in Trump cabinet echo these words?
“There is literally a miasma of madness in this city. I am at a lost for words to describe the idiocy of what we are doing… Neither in the executive branch of our government nor in Congress were more than a few isolated voices raised to suggest the possibility that Soviet policy in Europe might be motivated by morbid fears for the security of the Soviet Union rather than by a design for world conquest. Virtually no one in a position of power was receptive to the hypothesis that Soviet truculence reflected weakness rather than strength intensified by the memories of 1919, when the western powers had intervened in an effort — however half-hearted — to strangle the Bolshevik ‘monster’ in its cradle. Our own policy was formed without the benefit of constructive adversary proceedings.“