I decided to make a sort of reminder, including for myself, of what the ideal meal plan should be.
So, the ideal day in terms of nutrition for me should be like this:
BREAKFAST (best before 10-00):
– Animal protein (eggs, chicken, turkey, fish, beef, offal, etc.)
– Fermented milk products (fermented baked milk, kefir, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt)
– Vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, cabbage (all types), green beans, etc.)
You shouldn’t eat sweets, including fruits, for breakfast, since this can increase insulin. Breakfast should be hearty, the body needs to understand that it is being fed, and then it will burn everything eaten, and not put it aside. Thus, an omelet (rich) and a glass of Ryazhenka, an Eastern European fermented baked milk, will be an ideal breakfast.
LUNCH (better before 15-00):
– Complex (correct) carbohydrates (pasta, which is cooked for 12+ minutes, buckwheat, pearl barley, quinoa, bulgur, lentils, etc.)
– Animal protein (eggs, chicken, turkey, fish, beef, offal, etc.)
– Vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, cabbage (all types), green beans, etc.)
– Fruits (apples, pears, pineapple, strawberries, kiwi, grapefruit, etc.) It is better to eat fruits before 16-00. An ideal lunch would be lentil pasta, vegetable soup and fruit and vegetable smoothie.
DINNER (preferably before 6:00 PM):
– Animal protein (eggs, chicken, turkey, fish, beef, offal, etc.)
– Fermented milk products (fermented baked milk, kefir, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt)
– Vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, cabbage (all types), green beans, etc.)
If weight loss is not as fast as you would like, dinner can be pushed back to 4:00 PM. Dinner should be lighter than other meals and contain a small amount of fat. For example, a seaweed salad (nutritious option) would be such an ideal dinner. As for snacks, you can do them at your discretion, keeping within your calorie intake. It is better to snack on something light (for example, all kinds of jellies), and not on nuts, which are today positioned as the right superfood, but 100 grams of nuts contain 600 kcal, and 600 kcal is half the daily calorie intake in the best case scenario.