FBI confidently say that the shooter acted alone.

How Many Shooters Were Hunting Trump?

The examination shows that at least three types of weapons were fired at a rally in support of Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania.
The National Center for Forensic Science at the University of Colorado at Denver, investigating the assassination attempt on Trump, conducted an audio examination, during which it was determined that the politician was shot with at least three types of weapons.

CNN reported this on July 15, citing data from the director of the center, Catalin Grigorash, and senior researcher at the university, Cole Whitecotton.

“The examination shows that at least three types of weapons were fired at a rally in support of Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania. The first three shots were consistent with “suspected weapon A,” and the next five were consistent with “suspected weapon B.” One final “acoustic pulse” was fired from “possible weapon C.”

How interesting. The only thing found near the slain shooter, Thomas Matthew Crook, was his father’s AR-15 semi-automatic rifle. So, there was at least one more shooter? Or shooters?

Then why did the FBI confidently say that the shooter acted alone? There are more and more questions.

Sergey Stankevich

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