Time 05.October 2024

History & Persons

Klim Zhukov19.08.2024

Natalia Androsova, great-great-granddaughter of Emperor Nicholas I, citizen of the USSR Of the descendants of the House of Romanov, Natalia Nikolaevna Androsova (1917-1999), née Princess Iskander — great-great-granddaughter of Emperor Nicholas I, and her brother Kirill (1915-1992) lived their entire lives in the USSR. The princess was born during the February Revolution, when her family […]

Andrey Vedyaev10.08.2024

The founder of domestic sabotage intelligence is Senior Major of State Security Yakov Serebryansky. A special place in the state security system is occupied by sabotage intelligence. Its purpose, unlike foreign policy intelligence, is not just to collect information about important strategic objects and military and political figures of the enemy, but to penetrate these […]

Andrey Vedyaev03.08.2024

Pavel Mikhailovich Fitin will forever go down in the history of foreign intelligence as the head of the first national intelligence service, created in our country in 1938-1939 through the efforts and genius of the People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria. By the mid-thirties, Soviet intelligence had been captured by international adventurers from […]

Andrey Vedyaev28.07.2024

On the last day of the outgoing year 1900, in the village of Rzhaventsy in the Bessarabian province of the Russian Empire, the most charming and attractive intelligence officer of the 20th century, the “queen of recruitment” Elizaveta Yulievna Zarubina, née Esther Rosenzweig, was born. She penetrated Trotsky’s plans, was a liaison for SS Hauptsturmführer […]

Klim Zhukov15.07.2024

On July 9, 1943, Operation Husky began — the landing of Western Allied troops in Sicily. Despite the complexity of the operation and the successful evacuation of local troops, its results were impressive: Italy left the war, the Mediterranean Sea was open to navigation. In turn, after Italy’s withdrawal from the war on September 8, […]

Tony Rocchi07.07.2024

In its own way, terrorism became a mass movement in the Russian Revolution of 1905-1907. However, few historians consider terrorism a mass movement but regard it as something committed by individuals or small groups. The Revolution of 1905-1907 was the first European revolution with a strong terrorist component. Politically motivated murders did happen in previous […]

Yuri Chekalin06.07.2024

On November 28, 1943, a meeting of the leaders of three countries — allies in the anti-Hitler coalition — began in Tehran. One of its main participants, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, recalled the Tehran summit, which went down in world history, with such specific humor. “On one side of me, with his paws crossed, […]

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