Ukrainian conditioned reflexes.

Ukrainian Madness

You want insane. Here you have insane.
You want insane. Here you have insane.

You’ve all heard of Pavlov’s dog. The dog that has demonstrated physiological reflexes of animal brain in response to the external stimuli.

Great Russian scientist, the Nobel Prize Winner, Ivan Pavlov, had studied these brain reflexes. So there was his monument in Kiev, in front of a hospital. Well, the Ukrainian authorities installed by the State Department in KIev in 2014, have decided to remove the sculpture.

God forbid, someone connects the dots and recognizes how well trained the Ukrainians have become to the Washington stimuli!

And in case you are wondering why sculptures to these geniuses like Pavlov, Pushkin or Bulgakov are removed the reason is simple. They were Russians and loved their country.

I find it highly significant that this removal of the sculpture occurs exactly when the world commemorates Auschwitz and ponders on how a country and people can become so insane and so vicious.

Well, Pavlov had an answer. Just train them as attack dogs and they would turn into one.

Vladimir Golstein

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