Time 18.October 2024

Travel & Lifestyle

Mark Tasker08.06.2020

Yakushima (屋久島) is undoubtedly best-known to modern visitors through its connection with the 1997 Hayao Miyazaki animated film, Princess Mononoke. He visited the island for inspiration for his historical fantasy film and its environmental message is stark and affecting — a warning to a modern generation teetering on the edge of climate Armageddon. The beauty […]

Yuri Chekalin13.05.2020

On a dusty plateau on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt, stands a complex of stone structures that could arguably be called the most famous ancient monuments in the world: the Pyramids of Giza. They were built to honor kings, to demonstrate power, and to last forever. Indeed, of all the Seven Wonders of the Ancient […]

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The magazine about everything? Nonsense, some would say.

They would be right. This does not and can’t exist if everyone must have a certain agenda when writing.

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