To reign in America forever, the Democratic Party of the USA needs to pull off several operations. Change the voting rule in the Senate.
Now, to pass a law, you need 60 votes out of 100, and not a simple majority of 51 votes. This old, reasonable rule forces the Senate, conceived as the center of wisdom, to take into account the minority. But it irritates the Bolsheviks from the Democratic Party.
Increase the number of states by two more (grant statehood to Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia) — this is plus 4 seats in the Senate, which will always be occupied by the Democrats. And as soon as the Senate is “curbed”, it will be possible to pass a law that will add six more “democratic” judges to the Supreme Court, which currently consists of nine people, and will also limit the court’s powers to overturn decisions of Congress.
And, of course, it is necessary to legalize millions of immigrants, give them the right to vote (without showing an ID) and bring them to the polling stations on time.
And the trick is done. No new “trumps” will prevent the radical transformation of America into a militant bureaucratic monster, lecturing the whole world on everything. Well, that is, on everything. The plan is already in the works. That’s how things are.