Sevastopol, June 23, 2024

Strength and patience to everyone.
A monstrous missile attack on Sevastopol, 153 wounded including 27 children, and 5 dead, including 3 children — the latest official data says so. Strength and patience to everyone.

Naturally there are no words. However, something needs to be said, in addition to expressions of sympathy that are quite understandable to any normal person. You can’t stoop to the level of the nonhumans who pulled it all off and are pulling it off. Calls for revenge like “it’s time to raze Kyiv to the ground” are the last thing needed now.

Exactly because the organizers of terrorist attacks achieve exactly this. The intensity of mutual hatred between people. And this is the path to a bloody dead end.

Hold on, friends, my dear compatriots and all of you, lost Soviet people.

Klim Zhukov

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