Studying for 11 years at school is an unaffordable luxury.

Medinsky: Education Should be Compressed in Time

As for higher education, studying at universities for five to six years will also soon become a thing of the past.
The eductional reforms are once again a subject to discussions.

Studying for 11 years at school is an unaffordable luxury, soon secondary, like higher education, will be “compressed in time,” said Vladimir Medinsky, an aide to the Russian president, head of the Russian Military Historical Society and former Minister of Culture.

“Time dictates a reduction in the duration of secondary education, the fact that we have 11 years is an unaffordable luxury. As if we were living in the 19th century. It should be compressed so that later we can enter the sphere of professional training earlier and be competitive, and not start thinking about what to do at 19,” the aide to the president noted that “everything will be earlier and faster.”

As for higher education, studying at universities for five to six years will also soon become a thing of the past. Well then! On behalf of all working people, I wish Medinsky happiness, health, and that he be treated by a doctor for the rest of his life, for example, a dentist after 7 years of school and with a solid competitive 3-year education at a specialized university!

Klim Zhukov

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