Time 18.October 2024
The house goes on a journey full of dangers and adventures.

Life Without a Dream Worth Nothing

The plot is not particularly original, and it is not necessarily needed to be so, because the goal of the creators was to make a film about plain, but very important things.
The review of an animation: Detroit’s suburbs have been emptied by a housing crisis, but one house makes a choice.

Among the deserted streets, boarded-up houses that were burned from inside out, and collapsing buildings, there was one eccentric house that did not want to quietly fade away along with the rest of the doomed buildings.

The house goes on a journey full of dangers and adventures. Along the way, he is joined by another desperate dreamer — a dilapidated old house, and later a doghouse loyal to the company. Together, the heroes overcome a long journey: they enjoy the warm rays of the sun, admire the breathtaking landscapes, and get acquainted with some abandoned, hopeless buildings.

It’s amazing how skillfully the authors of the film revived their seemingly “clumsy” characters to real life: the houses are surprised and sad, wink and laugh. Their emotions are simple and recognizable. Even a doghouse can wag its tail.

High image quality, dramatic lighting, and moody matte paints bring this warm and innocent storytelling to life frame by frame.

I especially remember the lively and unusually sparkling light in the scene of skiing on the ice of a frozen lake in the mountains. The landscapes themselves in this film deserve a separate assessment since the beauty of nature is what is around us, what is given to us from above, and what we often forget about. And the soundtrack, a song by the famous American singer-songwriter Bob Dylan, perfectly complements the video sequence, reflecting the mood and the whole atmosphere of what is happening.

The plot is not particularly original, and it is not necessarily needed to be so, because the goal of the creators was to make a film about plain, but very important things. About how simple joys can make a person happy, about his faith, about how important it is to live a life without fear of anything.

People waste their time, never having time to fulfill their most cherished desires. So why not rush after the dream before the inevitability of the end? The heroes of this film exchanged a long and sluggish fading for a short but bright life filled with impressions and emotions.

The ending is ambiguous, and there is also a tragedy in it — the death of one of the characters at the end. And optimism — the second hero with a “four-legged” friend continues their journey, which means that the adventures continue.

“There is only talk in heaven about the sea …”, — this quote from the famous German film “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” is remembered by many. And the authors of the wonderful French animated short film “Home Sweet Home” remind us of the transience of time and that dreaming is living.

This slightly naive film is about the most eternal: life and death, a friendship and mutual assistance, dreams, and travels. It makes you think about the true values in life. Makes you ask yourself questions: “What are you ready to do to make your dream come true? Are you capable of reckless acts for its sake? And why do people waste their time without having time to fulfill their most cherished desires?’




Olga Makarova

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