History & Persons


The 40th US President Ronald Reagan was branded Great Communicator. If the USSR had a national leader who deserved such a title it was, no doubt, Joseph Stalin. He recognized the power of PR full well and used it with magnificent dexterity. The military parade at Red Square on November 7th, 1941, is just an […]


In August of 1983 16-year old Andrei Berezhkov, youngest son of Valentin Berezhkov, first secretary of the USSR Embassy, sparked a diplomatic confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union. Former Stalin’s interpreter who had translated Soviet leaders’ talks with Hitler, Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt, in the United States V. Berezhkov represented the Institute […]


Back in 1983 USA-based press published a report claiming that the American Big Brother managed to eavesdrop on what Leonid Brezhnev would say using the supposedly eavesdropping-prone phone in his limousine. The veracity of this piece of news was supported by quotes from US government sources. This was followed by even more sensational publications on […]


Back in 1935, when the 25th anniversary of Leo Tolstoy’s death was marked by many Soviet newspapers and magazines, my father was sent to Yasnaya Polyana, Tolstoy’s former estate and burial place. He was given an editors’ assignment to bring back some new interesting facts about the deceased author of War And Peace and many […]

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