Time 05.October 2024

History & Persons

Tony Rocchi03.12.2023

Political trials in the Russian Empire turned into battlegrounds between the government and educated society as represented by the political parties and movements. Socialist defendants and their liberal defense lawyers joined combat with prosecutors determined to present the revolutionaries as monsters seeking to destroy Russia. Defendants accused the government of committing crimes against the people […]

Tony Rocchi29.11.2023

Part 5 see here. Any discussion about the Russian government’s police and repressive policies toward its real and imagined political opponents must look at these policies in a broad context. Simply describing the government structure in the Russian Empire as a police state does not give us the full picture of how the government faced […]


On the night of October 30-31 – 26 years ago, the servant of God Joseph (Muñoz-Cortes) was killed, in monastic vows – Ambrose, 05/13/1948 – 10/31/1997, the chosen one of the Mother of God and the keeper of Her myrrh-streaming icon “Iveron-Montreal”. Born into a Catholic family in Chile. As a child, he showed a […]

Yuri Chekalin25.07.2023

One day at sunset in 2000, the expeditor Vyacheslav Prokhorenko found the remains of a soldier next to the German fortifications on the Sinyavinsky Heights in the Leningrad Region. Buttonholes of a junior lieutenant, binoculars, a pistol. And in the pocket of the decayed tunic there is a medallion with a note. They unwind a […]

Yuri Chekalin07.07.2023

The Assumption, Archangel and Annunciation Cathedrals, the Ivan the Great Bell Tower, the Grand Duke’s Palace, the walls and towers of the Kremlin — all these structures were erected in a little over thirty years, when Moscow and the whole country were actively built in the 15th century. As a result, the monumental architectural and […]

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