These pancakes are very versatile. The possibilities are endless!

Ganmodokis “that which resembles a goose”

You can always fill your Ganmodokis with the ingredients of your choice.
In the modern world, if you want real freedom from the tastes and preferences of others, and most importantly – you want to know exactly the contents of your plate, you just need to cook yourself or you need to go to a restaurant where the chef is a good friend of yours.

I have a friend like this, but given the time, I still prefer to experiment with something based on Japanese recipes and the actual filling of my fridge.

So, after examining the fridge, I made a choice. Fried pancakes “Ganmodoki” (が ん も ど き雁 擬 き) can be loosely translated as “that which resembles a goose.” Not a very appetizing name, right? Personally, I hear a certain doubt about this. But in reality it is quite tasty.

Ganmodoki is a type of shoujin-ryori (精進 料理), meaning the kind of food that Zen monks eat. But unlike me, they don’t eat meat, so their food is made with tofu (豆腐) and other non-meat ingredients. In Japan, the recipe for this dish is also often varied, for example with carrots or with sweet and sour lotus roots (subasu), and an egg can be added.

In the Kansai region (関 西 地方), this dish is also called Hiryouzu (飛 龍頭), which literally translates to “flying dragon head”, but in reality, it is just the Japanese phonetic equivalent of a Portuguese snack called filhós – a kind of pancake made of flour, eggs and, often, pumpkins. In Portugal, this is a traditional Christmas dessert and looks very similar!

However, our version of the recipe for this dish uses ingredients that are readily available both in Moscow and in other large cities of Russia and other European countries, although I sincerely hope that I keep its Japanese origin. Our recipe combines simple yet savory ingredients including shrimp, bacon, green onions and mushrooms, but of course tofu remains at the base.

The neutral taste of tofu helps to soften the intensity of each filling while allowing their special flavors to emerge and be appreciated.

These pancakes are very versatile. You can always fill your Ganmodokis with the ingredients of your choice. Once you get the hang of cooking them, do it again and experiment with the different ingredients yourself. The possibilities are endless!

Ingredients (for about 10-12 pancakes):

The foundation:

– 1 package of tofu (450 g);

– 1 egg;

– 2 tablespoons of cornstarch;

– 1 teaspoon of sesame oil;

– 1 teaspoon of soy sauce with 1-2 pinches of salt.

For dipping, use soy sauce with ginger.

Fillings (finely chopped):

– fresh green onions;

– fresh shrimps with shiitake mushrooms (pre-cook);

– bacon (pre-cook crispy!);

– fresh coriander leaves, etc.

Fry in vegetable oil.

Cooking process:

1. Remove the tofu from the packaging and let sit for 30 minutes. The excess water will come out and this will help you to get rid of the excess water.

2. Beat the egg.

3. In a bowl, mash the tofu with a whisk, preferably with your hands.

4. Then add the other base ingredients: egg, cornstarch, sesame oil, soy sauce and salt … plus, your preferred toppings.

5. Continue mixing. If it looks watery, you can add more cornstarch.

6. Use mini cake tins, preferably fish pie-like.

7. Fry until light brown. Be careful not to overcook, otherwise the outer layer will become tough.

8. Prepare the sauce, grate a little ginger and mix it with the soy sauce in a saucepan.

Don’t forget the right serving. Itadakimasu!

Serg Levine

I read, I think, I write …

One comment

  • Adam Davis

    19.03.2022 at 12:45

    Good day! Sounds exciting and inspiring! Experimenting with Japanese recipes is always interesting. Ganmodoki is an ancient dish, full of variations and flavor combinations. The unusual name gives them mystery, and the filling of ingredients – sophistication. Tofu as a base for pancakes is a great idea! These light and hearty dishes will surely win the hearts of gourmets. Enjoy your meal!


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