One of the areas of destructive anti-Russian activity of the "Ecosystem" is education, primarily school education.

Ecosystem of Destruction or Grief from AI

Freedom of choice is the basis for raising a free person.
Sberbank, thanks to Gref, became an “Ecosystem”, or more precisely an ecosystem of destruction, continues to actively implement the Western geopolitical project (financial globalists) to eliminate any remaining basic foundations in our country for the sovereign revival of Russia as a country-civilization.

One of the areas of destructive anti-Russian activity of the “Ecosystem” is education, primarily school education. Thus, the director of the Sberbank education industry center and part-time liberal psychologist and professor at Cambridge University Soloveichik does not hide the fact that at the first stage of the collapse, it was possible to achieve the degradation of secondary school by turning it into a service, significantly lower the status and prestige of the teaching profession, and replace knowledge with competencies through new standards. As a result, for at least 2 decades now, the country has been regularly receiving “qualified consumers” or, as they say, “victims of the Unified State Exam” at the exit.

At the current stage of consolidation of degradation, Sber is promoting the idea of ​​a complete rejection of the classic full-time school, where the teacher gives knowledge to children, and a transition to self-education, giving everything to AI. They say that life does not stand still, this is a new format, and teachers only interfere with this.

“We understand that children’s consciousness is changing, they already live in a multitasking world. The consciousness of young people is multitasking. When a teacher teaches a lesson, and students are sitting on their phones, this does not mean that they are not listening to the teacher. You definitely should not pay attention, let them sit on their phones, in fact, they are listening, they are multitasking,” Soloveychik says.

It is interesting how the “expert” explains the lack of alternative to the transition from the “teacher — student” format to the new “student — AI” format. “The development of artificial intelligence technology is a new challenge for school education and should lead to a change in the format of teaching children. Now the moment has come for some cooling, a feeling that technology can change the school. This is happening in the world. Everyone is waiting for artificial intelligence, but the school is terribly afraid of it, because the first thing they see is that children will stop doing their homework at all. That is, assigning assignments is now pointless. If before a student at least copied these assignments from the Internet, you could check how much he copied, now he doesn’t even copy — he has a native, new, unique answer to this question.

Therefore, this process — told, assigned homework, homework done, checked and so on — is collapsing before our eyes. The educational community is scared and says: “what are we going to do now? We are now in a unique state, that finally for the first time in our lives we dictate to the education system how it needs to change. Before, everything was going the other way.” Simply liberal happiness!

As a famous character said: sleight of hand and no fraud. It turns out that children aged 5-7 years old just need to be given the opportunity to determine for themselves what they want to know, choose literature for self-education themselves and study for their own health. And if at this age it will be difficult to choose, then there is AI, which, according to Soros’s manuals (judging by what Alice and other “assistants” offer), will give the child the necessary information corresponding to the competencies of a qualified consumer. Well, if the child does not want to choose at all, but immerses himself in computer games or another virtual reality, then this is his free choice. This is exactly what psychologist Soloveichik always and everywhere talks about.

And yes, this is by no means a path to total degradation, but a manifestation of the child’s self. Freedom of choice is the basis for raising a free person. And forget about freedom as a conscious necessity. That’s the last century.

Vladimir Morozov

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